Congratulation to Boon Kheng & Fong Yi
Christmas eve 2006 was the most wonderful day for Boon Kheng and Fong Yi. I am so glad that I was been a part of this event. I think not only myself, those joined the ceremony did has the same feel as I had.
Christmas eve 2006 was the most wonderful day for Boon Kheng and Fong Yi. I am so glad that I was been a part of this event. I think not only myself, those joined the ceremony did has the same feel as I had.
Posted by
12/25/2006 05:43:00 上午
Labels: Wedding
It is a nice wedding photo shooting! By the way oh, surprise to see a photo of my hubby right here... :)
回覆刪除嘩 這是很早以前所拍下的系列
嘻嘻 技術也草草呢 ^^
哇 世界很小耶 ^^