Full circle
4 年前
Jingle bell... Jingle bell...
呵呵呵 一年一度的聖誕節又到了
相信大家都非常開心 因為又到了年終假期季節囉! ^^
我也趁此機會來湊湊熱鬧 嘻嘻
感覺聖誕節的氣氛瞬間濃厚了許多 ^^/
你們都收到聖誕禮物了嗎? ^^
還有余興聖誕歌唱呈獻 非常應節
belakangpasar趁此星光燦爛的季節預祝大家 聖誕節快樂 ^.^
Posted by
12/21/2007 07:22:00 上午
Labels: Beauty of Malaysia
nice bokeh for the 50mm 1.8! I like the first pic!
回覆刪除I will find some chance to try out mines.... haha
Hi, i like all your photos very much. I invite you to post in one of the forum I recently setup. The forum is http://fotobuddies.com
回覆刪除Can and join us and post there.
Steven, haha, try out your new 50mm, sure you gonna love it as I do. ^^
回覆刪除Anonymous, If I am not mistaken, you are Mr Ryan. I just got your name after I registered at your forum. Nice start! I also had reply the "Suggestion for Improvement in FB". Take a look in my suggestion. Thanks you for visiting belakangpasar. ^^
Steven, haha, try out your new 50mm, sure you gonna love it as I do. ^^
回覆刪除Anonymous, If I am not mistaken, you are Mr Ryan. I just got your name after I registered at your forum. Nice start! I also had reply the "Suggestion for Improvement in FB". Take a look in my suggestion. Thanks you for visiting belakangpasar. ^^